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Sunday, January 24, 2021

 We came across

An interesting activity for your class

To keep your class engaged and student's focus through the class, you need to develop an interesting method of presenting & practice the new content or reviewing the vocabulary from the last class.

This time I'll share with you one activity, it's called The Word Search.

The Word Search game is suitable for young learners (higher grade primary school students – they are already comfortable using letters and words), as well as for adults. Both of them find it funny and interesting to play while learning.

The Word Search games:

-        Help Develop Word Recognition

-        Assist in Learning Context Clues

-        Help Develop Pattern Recognition

-        Introduce and Review Vocabulary

-        Practice S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G

-        Are Fun

That is why the Red Pattern Ltd. team has made a Word Search game designed specially for Teachers & Students. The one you can use in your classroom as an interesting activity, at home as homework, on a bus, fieldtrip …

Download The Word Search game

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